Sunday, October 22, 2006

SCUBA Diving in Phillips Quarry

SCUBA diving is offically over!! All three of us are certified divers!! Over the weekend we completed 4 dives in Phillips Quarry here in Muncie. We had a skills test and skin dive on Sat. morning. On Sunday we completed two recreational dives with our dive master. All three of us were relaxed and had successful dives!

There are all kinds of thing on the bottom of Phillips Quarry. There is a mirror, 5-6 boats, Christmas tree, a big tire that you can swim through, Jet Ski, fake shark, vodka bottles, and Halloween decorations.

Gary McMillan came up Sunday morning and took some pictures of us three in our scuba attire. The pictures are awesome although the video recording could use some work! HA!

1 comment:

Solo's Ma said...

At least there weren't any dead bodies in the quarry. Not very CSI. Say, how do things look for your upcoming football game here in Ann Arbor? I'm sure you'll be great.